Friday, 6 March 2015

The DProf Programme at UWTSD

Last week saw the launch of the Wales Institute of Work-Based learning (WIWBL) Doctorate in Professional Practice (DProf) Programme with the first Residential session at the UWTSD Lampeter campus. This is a part-time professional doctorate programme that provides experienced individuals in senior roles with an opportunity to undertake a significant research project situated in their workplaces.

Our small first student group included students from Wales and Canada, with tutors mostly from WIWBL and one from the School of Social Justice and Inclusion.  The Founders’ Library was used for teaching and learning – a wonderful, book-lined room with comfortable leather chairs - a perfect environment for discussing research methodologies and analysing journal articles! At the end of each day, we continued our conversations in various eateries in Lampeter town, and I think it’s fair to say that we all had a thoroughly enjoyable and useful week.

We will meet up again during the next residential in May, when our current students will conclude their study of initial modules. In October, this cohort will commence new modules, but we also expect to enroll our second cohort. There is further information about the programme on the UWTSD website at , and anyone who may be interested is welcome to contact me directly

Mentoring in the Workplace

This is a guest post by my UWTSD colleague Dr Rhianon Washington:

As human beings we are all hard-wired with a number of instinctive characteristics, which include an innate inclination to nurture.  While we usually associate this everyday form of mentoring with family and friends, it is an activity we also naturally or even unconsciously engage in at work.  Searching your memory will inevitably yield examples of automatically helping or being helped by a colleague; perhaps by showing them the ropes or listening to their ideas or issues.

In the learning context mentoring reinforces reflective practice and can facilitate understanding whilst providing pastoral support.  Bolton (2001[i]) contends that mentoring provides the very structure in which learning can occur.  An effective mentor can inspire learning and development in their mentee and encourage ownership and confidence by allowing the mentee to assume responsibility for their own learning and the achievement of self-prescribed goals (Connor and Pokora, 2007:6[ii]).  There are learning opportunities for the mentor too, through the development of transferable skills such as empathic listening and powerful questioning techniques, as well as the satisfaction of seeing their mentee thrive. 

One inspiring tenet that has stayed with me since my initiation to mentoring is:

‘I am here for you.

I believe in you.

I will not let you fail.

You have the power.’ Pascarelli (1998[iii])


Such a reassuring mantra epitomises the true essence of mentoring.  Little wonder that such a synergetic partnership, dependent upon trust carefully nurtured and enriched over time, can be mutually enhancing and empowering.

[i] Bolton, G. (2001) Reflective practice, Writing and professional development London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd
[ii] Connor, M. and Pokora, J. (2007) Coaching and Mentoring at Work, Developing Effective Practice New York: OUP
[iii] Pascarelli, J. (1998) Mentoring and Tutoring by Students, edited by S. Goodlad, , London: Kogan Page Ltd